AR Button ActiveX Control 1.5 |
This button can replace the standard
command button that comes with VB, or act as an active or borderless button. It supports
text or different pictures depending on the state of the button.
This control replaces and improves the AR Flat Button Control.
version 1.30, this control is not compatible with the previous versions. Therefore, you
will have to recompile the projects in which you used the first version of the control (or
just don't update the control for those projects you don't want to compile again). Sorry
for all this mess-up.
- 13.05.98, Version 1.0 released.
- Version 1.10 30.05.98: added the arrow
property, that you can use to show an arrow at the right part of the button. Also added
graphics support.
- Version 1.12 01.06.98: improved the
behaviour of the control.
- Version 1.20 11.06.98. Added some 'active'
support: ForeColorOnMouse property and MouseEnter and MouseLeave events.
- Version 1.21 09.08.98: added the
BackColorOnMouse property.
- Version 1.30 03.11.98: fixed a bug that
made the picture not be shown properly when Style was 'Graphic Button'. Added the
BorderStyle property; from now on, the button can act as an active or borderless button.
Removed the needing of having the license to use the control at design-time.
- Version 1.40 10.11.98: fixed a couple of
- Version 1.5 17.11.98: fixed a bug.
- Alignment. Set here the horizontal alignment of the
control: [Align Left] (0), [Align Right] (1) or [Align Center] (2).
- Arrow. Using this property you can show an arrow at the
right part of the button. Its possible values are: [No Arrow] (0), [Arrow Right] (1) or
[Arrow Down] (2).
- BackColor. Background color of the button.
- BackColorOnMouse. Background control that will be shown
when the mouse is over the button.
- BorderColor. When the 'ShowFocus' property is set to 'Show
Border', the color of the border shown will be the one set in this property.
- BorderStyle. 'Normal', 'Active Borders' or 'Borderless'.
When set to normal, the button will act as a standard command button. It this property is
set to 'Active Borders' the button will act as an active button (it will popup when the
mouse is over it). In 'Borderless' mode the button will not show its border until it is
- Cancel. True or False; this will tell the button if it is
the default Cancel button of the form, to triger the Escape key.
- Caption. Text that the button will show.
- Default. True or False; this will tell the button if it is
the default button of the form, to triger the Enter key.
- Enabled. True or False. Tells the button if it must work
or not.
- Font. Font used for the caption of the control.
- ForeColor. Color used for the caption of the control.
- ForeColorOnFocus. When the 'ShowFocus' property is set to
'Change Fore Color', this color will be the one used to light the caption.
- ForeColorOnMouse. This color will be used for the text
caption when the mouse is over the button. Ignored if Style is set to Graphic Button.
- Picture. Picture that the button will show when its Style
property is set to [Graphic Button].
- PictureDisabled. If the Style property of the button is
set to [Graphic Button] and you set a graphic here, this graphic will be showed when the
button is disabled.
- PictureDown. If the Style property of the button is set to
[Graphic Button] and you set a graphic here, this graphic will be showed when the button
is clicked.
- PressStyle. Dark (0) or Light (1), to tell the button how
it should show its border when pressed and released.
- ShowFocus. [Don't Show Focus] (0), [Show Border] (1 and
default) or [Change Fore Color]. Use this property to tell the button how it has to show
that it has the focus.
- Style: sets the style of the button, [Text Button] (0) or
[Graphic Button] (1).
- VerticalAlignment. [Align Middle] (0), [Align Top] (1) or
[Align Bottom] (2), to vertically align the caption or the picture in the button.
- Click ()
- GotFocus ()
- KeyDown (KeyCode As Integer, Shift As
- KeyPress (KeyAscii As Integer)
- KeyUp (KeyCode As Integer, Shift As
- LostFocus ()
- MouseDown (Button As Integer, Shift As
Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
- MouseEnter (). This event is fired when
the mouse is put over the button.
- MouseLeave (). This event is fired when
the mouse leaves the button.
- MouseMove (Button As Integer, Shift As
Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
- MouseUp (Button As Integer, Shift As
Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
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© Alvaro Redondo, 1998. All Rights Reserved.