AR Progress Bar
ActiveX Control 1.02 |
This is a very customizable bar control,
that will show a plain color bar or a gradient bar between any two colors.
- 01.04.98, version 1.0 released.
- Version 1.01 15.05.98: fixed a bug that
made the progress bar always use black as the ending color when the 'UseGradient' property
was set to True.
- Version 1.02 09.07.98: fixed a bug that
caused an 'overflow' error when changing the ending color for the gradient.
- Align. This aligns the control to the form
in which it is placed.
- BackColor. BackColor for the progress bar.
- Border. None, Simple or 3D.
- CaptionForeColor. If the caption with the
percent is shown, here you will be able to set in which color.
- EndColor. End color for the gradient. It
will be ignored if 'ShowGradient' is set to false.
- Font. If the caption with the percent is
shown, here you will be able to set what font will be used for it.
- ForeColor. If 'ShowGradient' is set to
false, so the progress bar will be a plain color one, this color will be used. If
'ShowGradient' is set to true, this property will be ignored.
- IniColor. Initial color for the gradient.
If 'ShowGradient' is set to false, this property will be ignored.
- Max. Maximum value that the progress bar
will take.
- Min. Minimum value that the progress bar
will take.
- ShowCaption. True or false; if set to
true, a caption with the actual percent of the progress bar will be shown.
- UseGradient. True or false; if set to
true, instead of a plain color progress bar, a gradient will be shown, using the color
specified in IniColor and EndColor.
- Value. Actual value for the progress bar.
Must be between Min and Max.
- Refresh. This will refresh the contents of
the progress bar. I have needed it when showing two progress bars, for the second one.
(27 Kb) |
© Alvaro Redondo, 1998. All Rights Reserved.